ALINE Ambassadors Don't
Settle for Second Best
Change Your Game
What's Inside Counts
From the power in their bodies to the passion in their hearts, our ALINE Ambassadors are a breed all their own! They take every opportunity to up their game. That’s why you can find ALINEs in every pair of their shoes!
Physical Therapist & Athletic Trainer
“ALINE insoles have been a game changer for our patients from the first day we began offering them in our clinic in 2011. From recreational to competitive and young to old, athletes of all levels have had their rehabilitation accelerated and performance enhanced from wearing ALINE insoles. The clinical results are immediate.”
New Zealand Olympic Coach & Ski Patrol Veteran
“I’ve ski patrolled for over 30 years and am the coach for the New Zealand Olympic freestyle ski team. My body was a bit of a mess and ALINEs have kept me going for over 9 years now. These have truly helped me and now I have all my athletes wearing ALINE!”
X Games Medalist & Nitro Circus Athlete, BMX
“ALINEs have helped me significantly as a BMX Rider on the Megaramp. Landing flat can really cause damage to your ankles and knees. Having ALINEs help me to be stable and prevent injuries from high impact landings.”
“From chronic pain patients, team athletes, dancers, military personnel, runners, cyclists, pregnant patients, the elderly, delivery men etc… people love your product and the immediate functional change it makes to their lives.”
Delivery Professional & Industrial Athlete
“As a delivery driver, I put in long hours and put my body through a lot. Since I’ve been using my ALINE insoles I am pain free. When I put them in, I felt immediately relief. Thank you for this amazing product — it allows me to continue to do my job every day!”
2005 US Professional Road Race Champion, Cycling
“During my 13 year pro cycling career, I spent thousands of dollars on custom insoles. None of them ever aligned my knees to track as straight as ALINE. They are so dynamic and support me in any position on the bike. I love the ability to transition my ALINEs from my cycling shoes, to my running shoes and right into my dress shoes. If I only had ALINEs during the peak of my career, I would have surely extended my career and maybe even won more professional championships!”
Loyal ALINE Customer & Outdoor Enthusiast
“I’ve always been incredibly active, my passions split between distance winter hiking and summer cycling. When my debilitating hip pain began I was forced to give it up. I could barely walk around the house and had trouble sleeping. After months of pain, I discovered ALINE. The realignment of my body was not without discomfort and was not overnight, but oddly it felt right. Within two weeks I was walking comfortably. I now have a bounce in my step and am pain free back to doing the activities that I love.”
Olympian, World Champion & X Game Medalist, Skiing
“I’ve been rocking these for the past 6 years and they have been working so well for me. I’ve had a lot of problems with my feet and boots and these have done wonders”
3-time Olympic medalist & 15-time X Games medalist, Snowboarding
“I have been wearing ALINEs in all of my footwear for over 8 years now both in Sochi and Pyeongchang. It helps me feel more grounded and makes such a difference!”